Scientific publications

Increasing percentage of uptime of pipeline transport system at production association LLC KINEF
Date of publication: 2017-10-20
Journal: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
ISSN: 17551315
Authors: Maharatkin, P.N, Yablokov, I.N, Serzhan, S.L.
The system of the preventive maintenance (PM), accepted at production association LLC KINEF, taking into account safe operation and health assessment, is analyzed. Statistical data of results of diagnostics are processed; options of the increase of the integrated reliability indicator of the system of pipeline transport are offered. The trend lines of a condition change of the pipeline in time and the approximate curves of diagnostic data of nondestructive inspection technique with creation of the long-term forecast of its technical condition was constructed. The option of correction of the accepted PM system with the analysis of quantitative change of an indicator of reliability was developed, by which application of the percentage of uptime will increase from 0.909 to 0.957.

Determining the Rational Immersion Depth of a Mining Complex Capsule for Underwater Mining of Ferromanganese Nodules
Keywords: a capsule | a mathematical model | ferromanganese nodules | mining complex | the optimal immersion depth
Date of publication: 2016-01-01
Journal: Procedia Engineering
ISSN: 18777058
Authors: Serzhan, S.L.
The article discusses the extraction of solid mineral resources (SMR) from the bottom, such as ferromanganese nodules (FMN) and cobalt-manganese crusts (CMC), occurring in both offshore and deep regions of the World Ocean. For separating and lifting the water surface is used mining complex, which includes a hydraulically dragheads and intermediate capsule with atmospheric pressure introduced into the of extraction process in order to increase energy efficiency through the organization of a two-stage hydroascent, the first stage is carried out by external hydrostatic pressure. To determine the optimum depth of immersion of the intermediate capsule composed mathematical model. It is based on the sustainable hydroascent provided at the first stage transport (from the bottom to capsule), and reducing power consumption slurry pump performing the second stage transport (from the capsule to the sea surface). In determining the rational immersion depth were taken into account design features of slurry pipeline, mine geological parameters, the parameters of extracted minerals, performance of dragheads, the slurry flow parameters, such as concentration, consistency, density. Presents an example calculation and determined the optimal capsule insertion depth for offshore geological environments.

The use of vehicle-to-grid technology for the integration of electric vehicles in the power system of the city
Date of publication: 2019-11-19
Journal: Journal of Physics: Conference Series
ISSN: 17426596
Authors: Zhukovskiy, Y.L, Suslikov, P.K, Russkih, N.I, Korolev, N.A.
This paper analyzes the possibility of using electric vehicles as a controlled distributed generator. Aggregation of demand and supply for electric power with the participation of batteries allows us to solve the problem of the development of the electric grid infrastructure of megacities. The absence in some areas of the city of opportunities for technological connection of consumers and significant deterioration of the network infrastructure is solved by the integration of electric vehicles in the city's power system. The article shows that information technology allows you to control the energy curve over time. At the same time, the power schedule in the loaded power centers will be deprived of pronounced highs and lows, which favorably affects the loading of generating capacities. Informatization of electric transport and the use of a digital platform will eventually become part of the concept of "smart city".

Monitoring the technical condition of autonomous electrical systems with electric drive
Date of publication: 2019-12-18
Journal: E3S Web of Conferences
ISSN: 22671242
Authors: Korolev, N, Solovev, S.
The article discusses the structure of autonomous electrical systems with an electric drive and an electric energy generation system. An approach is described for assessing the overall efficiency of technological cycle equipment with specification of parameters that must be considered when calculating it. The necessity of taking into account energy efficiency and operability indicators of autonomous electric complexes is substantiated. The effectiveness of the use of autonomous systems decreases throughout the entire life cycle due to wear and tear. As the operability of electromechanical equipment, an indicator of the residual resource is selected. The calculation of the residual resource, with the definition of its boundary values and recommendations for further use. Nominal energy efficiency parameters of autonomous electrotechnical complexes with electric drive deteriorate during operation, which also needs to be taken into account. To simplify the assessment of the operational state of electromechanical equipment, a state diagram is presented that allows you to track the dynamics of degradation of individual nodes. Taking into account the described indicators and means of control, it is possible to increase the efficiency of using autonomous complexes.

AC motor diagnostics system based on complex parametric analysis
Date of publication: 2017-03-01
Journal: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
ISSN: 1757899X
Authors: Korolev, N.A, Solovev, S.V.
The article deals with the principle of evaluation of technical condition, based on a comprehensive analysis of the motor parameters which is a main unit in mechanical engineering. Diagnostics system and residential life assessment of electromechanical equipment is presented based on the AC engine and algorithms of its work. The important challenge of diagnostics remains the well-timed faults detection and maintenance and repair organization. The solution of such challenge remains accuracy and reliability of diagnostic systems.